We should let intuition to dominate our reality. Not be ashamed of that … and even consider it is a must … for a beautiful life. … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

 Jonathan called me today … asking me if … he is an idiot ….

It was a weird question … especially coming from him … cause he is a very intelligent guy.

He asked this question to me … cause arriving at a date with a lady found on a dating app … he decided … in the last moment … to cancel all.

You see … my friend … was chasing for the perfect woman …. by a long, long time.

He was probably dating with hundreds of ladies.

Any men would envy him for such a performance…. but … he already had enough of dating and dating and dating.

He even compared himself with Sisyphus … which i found ridiculous …. but …

Now the question was … “Is he an idiot cause he cancelled all into the last second?!”

… or maybe not.


I’ve dared to ask him … “Maybe she was not so beautiful … or she was fat … or she had a handicap … “

“No! Probably not! But i felt … i need to cancel all. I even deleted her number … and left … not even mentioning that i will not come anymore.”

I found it weird … all my friend was telling me … but in a short moment of awakening i’ve asked myself … what if i could have the guts to listen to my intuition… and cancel all what i feel is not ok for myself.

What if i would dare to act … weird … but let my intuition … dominate every action from the stage of my life?!

What if i should try to act like that … at least … as a test?!

Well … maybe my life would change … realizing i don’t need to really accept so many things … which in fact i don’t like.

But … i could not take the risk of … looking like an idiot … doing in fact the right thing … which the intuition is telling me to do.



psychological games in relationships 


Download the book ”Dominating and being dominated ... a way of wasting our lives – philosophical essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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